Illustrator: Flick Ford
Publisher: Scott & Nix, Inc.
Size: 24 × 18"
Artist Flick Ford traveled to Manitoba in the fall of 2008 to fish God’s River for some of the largest native trophy brook trout on the continent. Based at the God’s Lake Lodge, he took excursions with owner Robert Gates and Native American guides to the outlet rivers of the 444-square-mile lake. Using a streamer pattern he tied himself to resemble a small male brook trout, Ford landed many fish exceeding 4 pounds—all on a fly rod. He carefully photographed and measured each trophy fish and released them all unharmed back into the river.
Ford selected a magnificent 22.5-inch spawning male fish that weighed about 6 pounds for his painting. The result is one of the finest portraits of a brook trout ever created.
Scott & Nix is proud to offer a wall poster print of the God’s Lake brook trout suitable for any angler’s home, office, lodge, or vacation home.